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Shotcaller O'Brien Sticks With Samsons R6

Shane O'Brien signs his intent to continue playing with the Samsons Rainbow 6 Siege Team
Shane O'Brien signs his intent to continue playing with the Samsons Rainbow 6 Siege Team

Shane O'Brien of Ironwood, MI, re-signed with the Samsons R6 team. As an integral part of the team, O'Brien plays boldly, accurately, and is extremely effective with tactics, maneuvers, and last minute shotcalling. Shane has played with some top competitors within the Rainbow 6 Sieges space; which gives him a strong edge in the collegiate leagues.

Quote from Coach Little:

"Shane has been an active contributing member to the R6 team since day one. He keeps extreme focus while in game, and doesn't settle for anything less than his best. Shane's tactics and strategy can be a little bit of a wild card making it hard for the opposing team to predict and respond to the constant threat. We've seen him range from defending positions outnumbered to taking an early advantage with risky peeks and plays. The team relies on Shane to exhibit top tier gunfighting skills and creative strategies to always keep 'em guessing. We're thrilled to have Shane join us for another season. After graduation, he's got plans to attend another Esports program downstate and continue his education and dominant gaming career."